Welcome to 2.0!

Ever have that nasty feeling that you're watching your life speed skate past you?

Yup, welcome to the club!

People think its funny that I'm freaking out about getting old at 26 (I even think its funny), but the truth is, I'm not even in the ballpark of where I want to be, or where I planned to be...and I'm not just talking about economically. I'm talking about the whole shebang; financially, socially, spiritually, emotionally, logistically, geographically, educationally (is that a word?)...ok, you get my point.

One thing that has become abundantly clear to me over the last couple years, is that you really have to be your own white knight, though personally I've always preferred cowboys...but I digress.

So what is a 6th year community college student in the midst of a quarter-life crisis to do? Get a Harley, a word processor and a 100 piece Craftsman tool kit. Between riding, writing and wrenching I should accomplish something productive...right?

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

New for Fall

Greetings all,
Some cool new stuff going on now that I'm back on the East Coast.

First up: http://ayerscollection.blogspot.com and http://ayerscollection.etsy.com are the new home and online store for my jewelry line Ayers Collection (named for my great aunt Joan Ayers). Check it out!!

Second: I will be having a booth every Sat from 10am-2pm, at the Everett Farmers' Market, which runs through Oct 9. Please stop by and visit (if you happen to reside on this coast and in the vicinity).

That is all for now. Stay tuned.

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